We are honored to present this year’s Ocean Community Challenge finalists!
The pilot round of Ocean Community Challenge has soon come full circle, and we are more than pleased with the high number of quality submissions we received. The work and creativity put into the submitted ideas is impressive, and we are more positive than ever about the future of our oceans knowing how passionate many brilliant people and minds are about creating sustainable ocean solutions! We are excited to announce that we have selected five runners up, and those selected teams have already attended their first session with our experienced business coaches. In the coming weeks, they will work with their respective coach to prepare for the final pitch presentation. The pitch session and final event will take place on November 20th, where the top five selected teams will present their solutions to an Angel Investor Board. We will also be announcing the winners of this year’s challenge!

We are thrilled and honored to be able to present the finalists of this year’s Ocean Community Challenge (in random order):
ReShore - Rebuild Marine Life
OceanNETic - Marine Litter
SosoCare - Marine Litter
Koral Kit - Rebuild Marine Life
SeaIT - Marine Litter
More information about the solutions will be revealed after the pitch-session - stay tuned! If you want to be invited to attend the virtual pitch-event, email us at contact@oceancommunitychallenge.com.

Also, stay inspired and in tune for more information about what happens next in this run of “Ocean Community Challenge".