OC Learn

Our blended interactive and classroom learning programs provide deep BlueTech insights while building the innovation and entrepreneurship skills essential to launching successful ocean ventures.
Each learning path is integrated with our flagship initiative, the Ocean Community Challenge, ensuring that knowledge translates into real-world impact.
Collaborating with Universities
Many of our courses and modules are designed in collaboration with universities, allowing seamless integration with specialized courses, including cross-disciplinary offerings for Master’s students. This partnership approach enriches learning by aligning with university curricula while fostering ocean-focused innovation.
Who can join?
Our Entrepreneurship Program is open to senior and master’s level university students, as well as early-stage founders and innovators. The only prerequisite is the ability to read and write and successfully pass the Basic Ocean Skills module.
What does OC Learn offer?
OC Learn delivers courses in Ocean Science from a solutions-focused perspective, alongside comprehensive Entrepreneurship courses. Our Entrepreneurial Skills Program equips participants with critical business knowledge and tools to take sustainable, commercially viable action, helping them turn ocean challenges into blue economy opportunities.
For questions, email us at contact@oceancommunity.co

Ocean Learn for all; The "Why Care" Series
In addition to our university learning programs, we plan to provide a growing number of on-line learning modules in the "Why Care" learning program.
The "Why Care" series is open to anyone in the global ocean community.
The purpose of this program is to in a fun and easy way grow ocean curiosity and literacy on a global scale, and to inspire dives into the deeper knowledge. This is provided leveraging the power of world leading SanaLabs' next-generation knowledge tools.
The modules are structured in four "Why Care" courses
1. Ocean Ecosystems
2. Blue Economy and Blue Technology
3. Environmental Protection and Climate Impact
4. Innovation Process and Entrepreneurship
We are launching Ocean Ecosystems as our first course, with the modules; "Why Care About Sharks", "Why Care About Seahorses," Why Care About Coral Reefs," and "Why Care About Kelp Forrests.
Stay tuned - launching November 2024
Becoming Ocean Literate
To be ocean literate is to understand the ocean’s impact on our lives and, equally, our impact on the ocean. This essential understanding is at the heart of the OC Learn Ocean Program.
The ocean is the foundation of life on Earth. It provides the water we drink, the air we breathe, and much of the food we eat. It also serves as the largest pathway for mobility and transportation worldwide. Beneath its vast, unexplored waters lie potential resources that could hold solutions for pressing health challenges and climate change.
Our Ocean Skills Program and diverse learning modules bring attention to the urgent need for a healthy, thriving ocean—essential to sustaining a habitable planet. Through this program, we empower learners with the tools and knowledge to protect and restore our ocean for future generations.
Innovation and Business Skills
Innovation and business skills are essential not only for understanding how to protect our ocean but also for sustainably leveraging its resources. The ocean innovation landscape is rapidly advancing, offering transformative technologies and solutions to meet future demands across various sectors—from sustainable mobility and food production to eco-friendly packaging, building materials, medicine, and health care.
The Entrepreneurial Skills Learning Modules of the OC Learn focus on this evolving landscape, equipping participants with the knowledge and practical tools to take an early-stage idea and transform it into a viable, impactful solution. Our modules cover the journey from concept design and technology commercialization to becoming market-ready, empowering innovators to lead the future of ocean sustainability.
For questions, email us at contact@oceancommunity.co